Who we are
CS Nutrition is a family owned company located in the beautiful and fertile Molise province of Central/Southern Italy.
CS Nutrition collects high quality whey from the region's mozzarella producers and processes it into a range of liquid and powder whey derivative products.
Efficient and sustainable collection of the whey is achieved by pre-processing with our own concentration facilities located strategically at the whey suppliers.

Just to give you an impression...

What we do
CS Nutrition's processing facilities use membrane technologies to isolate and concentrate the whey protein and whey carbohydrate fractions which are marketed throughout Europe into nutrition applications.
Underpinned by industry certifications, quality is a key driver for CS Nutrition and care is taken at both the whey suppliers and downstream processing to ensure quality standards are met.
CS Nutrition continues to grow and develop and we very much look forward to including you on our exciting journey!
Don't hesitate to talk to us.
CS Nutrition Registered office and factory: Zona Industriale - Bretella n.4 86020 San Polo Matese (CB) Italy VAT number: 00812210706